Buy and Sell - Information

Buying and selling a home. There is a document that cannot and should not be missing

Without this form, you cannot carry out deeds for the purchase and sale of houses. Find out what document we are talking about.
03 May 2021 min de leitura
When buying and selling a home, there is a document that cannot, and should not be missing: the housing technical file. To find out the purpose of this document and whose responsibility it is, Idealista explains, with the help of Nuno Pereira da Cruz, founding partner of CRS Advogados.

The housing technical sheet is a document that contains the technical and functional characteristics of the properties intended for housing.
It exists to reinforce consumer rights in terms of information, as well as to add transparency in the act of buying and selling a home, says Idealista, according to the clarifications of CRS Advogados.

Despite having been created in 2004, by Decree-Law nº 68/2004 and its model approved by Ordinance nº. 817/2004, it is still often an ignored document, which leads to the deferral of deeds due to its lack.

It is up to those who promote the construction / reconstruction / expansion of the property (developer / real estate developer), it should be noted, to prepare this form and, together with the technician responsible for the work, certify that the characteristics contained in this document correspond to reality.

Thus, whenever a property is sold, whose application for the issuance of the housing license has been submitted after March 30, 2004, the seller will need to deliver the housing technical file to the buyer.

It should be noted that the responsibility is great, in the sense that, if the information contained in this document is not in accordance with the work carried out, fines are foreseen that may vary between 1,740 euros to 3,490 euros or between 3,490 to 44,890 euros, depending on the offender. natural or legal person, says the Idealist, according to information revealed by Nuno Pereira da Cruz.

Buy and Sell - Information
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